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Epson RX425

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codswallop | 10:18 Tue 26th Oct 2010 | Technology
15 Answers
Can anyone please EXPLAIN how to get a free driver update for the above printer??? Thanks!!


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try epson printer drivers update
Question Author
That was quick,I tried that but all I got was "driver whiz" which isn't for free.If you could suggest an alternative I'd appreciate it. Thanks!!!!
Errr, my link should take you straight to the driver download page for that printer on epsons site! if it doesn't you have bigger problems!

Always download drivers from the manufacturers website, never get them from anywhere else unless you are very sure you know what you are installing.
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EPSON EasyPrintModule this is the category on that site that seems the most suitable,which I've d/loaded,but I still have the problem of not being able to print a landscape photo on a 5x7 sheet.Thanks!
I would have said the file labelled "driver" would have been the closest match to a driver!
The driver's not available for all operating systems (e.g. not W732).

// I still have the problem of not being able to print a landscape photo on a 5x7 sheet //
Can you provide more information? That may be nothing to do with the driver.

What's your OS, (XP,Vista, etc) and what software are you using?
Question Author
I'm using Vista 32-bit,I've tried Photo gallery,Adobe photoshop essentials and Irfanview all with the same result ,,,,,,,,,,,no 5x7 printout.Thanks everyone for trying to sort my problem!!
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PS no printout in LANDSCAPE
Try turning the photo thro' 90 degrees and then print as Portrait on Size A5 paper.
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"Gord bless ya guv" you don't know how many answers I've got through from the the good people on AB,but your reply was the nearest I've had to success.I've been trying to print a large group in landscape but unable to do so until your post BUT the end person was half-cropped off.Is the A5 the same as 5x7 or the nearest equivalent.Could you suggest why this might have happened?Thanks again at least I won't be tearing the rest of my hair out!!!!
I don't know which photo program you are using but it should let you resize the original. You can resize in that it will fit the paper you are using.
Incidentally, A5 is a half of A4 and measures roughly 5.75" x 8.25" so your original photo must be larger than 8.25" wide if you have lost someone off the edge.
A5 is 5.8" by 8.3", which is why it won't fit onto 5" x 7" paper.

In Irfanview, click File > Print
Click the 'radio buttons' alongside 'Landscape', 'Custom' and 'Inches'. Set 'Width' to 7 and 'Height' to 5. (NB: If your image isn't actually in that ratio you won't be able to do that unless you uncheck the 'Aspect ratio' box - which I don't recommend. Instead choose the size which will leave a small blank margin, either at the top or side of the page). Click 'Printer setup' and 'Properties' to ensure that your computer knows that you're using the right size and quality of paper. Click 'OK', then 'Print'.

Question Author
Thanks everyone,I should have enough info now to be able to put this problem to rest!!!

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