Over the past few years I have been very lucky to have had many many questions answered by you AB'ers,which has made life much more interesting.Is there a quick way of going back to a poser I've put without going through all of them??Thanks!!!
you could try typing in very pertinent key words into the very top bar (maroon on my computer) and selecting 'site' - haven't checked whether or not that particular bar is available in 'my profile'.
Hi carmalee I sorted a known question and changed one word of the heading( something you would do if some time had passed)put it into the "site" box ,but it didn't work,thanks anyway
Your one Chris I will have to give some thought to,to me it looks a bit "mind boggling" Thanks!!
I assume that this was the one?
I just typed OLD FRIENDS in the AB search box. It threw up quite a few posts but only two were called OLD FRIENDS and one was yours
Hi factor 30,that was made easy because the heading was exactly right.In the past I a sent a post titled "A will" Now over a period of time I MIGHT have forgotten that,so I tried it by putting in "making a will" into the "site" and it didn't work.So taking it a step further I might remember the subject matter but not the heading any ideas please?Thanks!!
Ho boxtops- I think Codswallop issue with using his Profile is that he has to trawl through over 200 of his questions.
A simple search though using CODSWALLOP plus a key word from the post seems to do the trick
Hello again factor 30 I typed a vague genuine subject "codswallop hot water taps" and you came up trumps thanks again.Hi boxtops my post was to do with not trawling the many posers I've sent in but thanks for your interest and to all the other AB'ers