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Internet Explorer 8

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Bendy | 08:45 Mon 14th Mar 2011 | Technology
5 Answers
Booted up my laptop yesterday morning but all day Explorer just said "Invalid Address". It's nothing to do with my connection to the web as my desktop is working perfectly fine as you can see from my being able to type this post. What's gone wrong and how do I put it right so that it works properly again? Thanks for any advice in advance.


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System Restore
choose an earlier date to reset the lappy.
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Thanks tamborine, just completed that procedure and it worked. Restore took it back to the 10th when their was a "critical update" downloaded. Thanks again, I'm up and running now.
Mozilla is faster than IE and easier to fix viruses. Dowload free here:

not on orange by any chance ?
I agree with tamborine: I have both IE and Firefox installed but hardly ever use IE - Firefox works so well (famous last words?!)

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Internet Explorer 8

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