Hi all. I've been trying to post a slideshow from my email, to help you
Shaney but also because I've been wanting to learn, myself. Thought it would be easy with a little help from the internet cafe guys, but it's a bit more complicated than I have the computer time to delve into. I succeeded at rapidshare.com: The slideshow I uploaded there actually turned up when I clicked the link on AB preview but after I'd done that once they wanted me to register and I didn't want to do that. But you may want to check that site out, Shaney. Another option is, if you know somebody who has their own website you can email the slideshow to their website and thus connect it with an URL that you can post on the AB (same as you do when you post YouTube links or whatever.)
"Bill & Ben"... nope, you got me there,
Robinia. I've heard of "Bill & Bob", though! They were the founders of the AA. One of my friends who is a recovering alcoholic told me that every AA member knows their names like a mantra - which can come in handy:
One man had to travel, for his firm, on one of the ships that fare the waters between Sweden and Finland. These ships are notorious for passengers pigging out, and he feared the temptation to go and do likewise. As he didn't get to chose how to travel, he chose to spend the evening in his cabin, where he battled with the devil until it occured to him to go to the service desk and ask them to send a message over the public-address system asking "Bill and Bob" to please come to cabin no. so-and-so. Sure enough a couple of guys he'd never met before turned up on his cabin doorstep and sat with him until the morning. (They were AA members, of course.) Cool, huh.
And then there's the other kind of rescue actions. The ones that backfire. Like over at
Vinny's after the match of... whatever...
last saturday night...