Is it
this one,
jno? Nope, probably not - I reckon you've been baaad. Oh poor jno, I trust you're allowed to
read the AB... so just know we're missing you.
Ha ha, see what you mean about that Beatles clip being surreal,
Robinia. They didn't say but my guess is that by juxtaposing that folksy, traditional music with the Beatles, the programme makers were making gentle fun of their fellow Swedes. Much like yourselves, we've always been a self-conceited little people (ooops) so that music was probably intended as a friendly dig at ourselves, an embodiment of a nagging suspicion that we might not be the effin' champions of effin' everything after all.
surreal 1
surreal 2
Vinny did you by any chance make long rows of "soldiers" - with "rifles" - on the typewriter when you were a kid? My dad taught me how to, but I don't remember any longer which keys we used.
Vinny taking the concept of << neighbourliness to a
whole new level.
On Monday
God Made Labs, by Will Bullas, for
So... why are we still here... is it because it's the weekend or is there some other kind of trouble...?