If you are only staying in central Hong Kong and not moving to the provinces and you are only going to be in Bangkok, personally, and this is only personal, I would not have the jabs due to concerns about the baby. However, it�s essential to speak with your GP. In Bangkok, it�s the mosquitoes that concern me, especially in regards to the pesticides you may be exposed to, whether topical or inhaled that could affect your baby.
This is �for what it�s worth�: We flew extensively up to ten days before both of our children were born. You are required to have a medical certificate. However, I must be honest, we never did and we were never asked. But technically, you should.
As for the flight and oxygen: the aircraft is pressurised for circa 8000 feet, which is not much different than being in the Colorado Rockies. If you feel tired in flight, raise your arms above your head and breath � this allows greater volume into your lungs.
But as for the actual flight, I shouldn�t be too concerned.
I would also add that I would be delighted if you were flying on BA, Cathay Pacific, Virgin or Singapore Airlines, but I might not be as comfortable to hear you were flying on some other carriers such as some of the other Asian or Middle East Carriers. This is due to the confidence I would have in the availability of oxygen in an emergency. This is not to belittle any airline. It is a statement based on professional knowledge.
Oh�and for what it�s worth�we began flying on day 8 with our son and day 10 with our daughter. Today, both children are in the top tier of two frequent flier programmes, so I guess it�s now in their blood.
I wish you the greatest joys in your pending arrival
Fr Bill