It is not a matter of the goods we buy from all over the world, Britain, (no I won't use that word), 'England', has always been a trading country.
It is a matter of the large influx of immigrants from every corner of the world that has come to our country, to take benefit from the culture that we in England have built up over the last 1,000 years.
The mighty cathedrals, the lovely country churches, the majestic castles, the quaint villages, the thatched cottages, all in all the whole of English culture.
These are alien to the peoples of the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, they are not part of their culture, and yet we see day by day large sections of our country being taken over by them.
We the indigenous people were never asked if we wanted multiculturalism, so in a way we have been invaded and could do nothing about it.
Before anyone says well we invaded various countries of the world, I say to them perhaps we did in a way, but that was in the past, these countries have now thrown us out, and now have their countries back.
The question I now ask will we someday also be allowed to throw out our guests, and get our country back?