Ok Prendi, can understand your concern.
Does your daughter have a godfather? My godaughter did something similar for her Gap Year though she headed to Brazil, Uruquay, Argentina, Chile and Peru before the Galapagos, NZ, Oz, Fiji and back through the States.
What I did was to put her on my Amex so that she had a genuine emergency card. Her Dad agreed to cover any spend, but the thing was that she respected my card far more than if it had been her Dad's - i.e. she wasn't going to use it for that discount Prada handbag in Buenos Aries.....
We didn't need it and it worked very well.......and you have to give them some rope to "grow" - even though B was only 18, she was very good at texting back just two liners, though we all had a huge sigh of relief as she cleared Lima for the Galpagos. Today she is a practising lawyer in the City (though, as I type, she is in NZ stalking Jonny Wilkinson).