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Can I take a shoulder handbag ?

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tamaris | 15:39 Sat 21st Jan 2012 | Travel
24 Answers
As well as my smallish on board bag on Easy jet ?


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so long as it zips into the larger back during security and boarding, yes x
Prudie, make-up's a good point. I always put a lipstick in my 5-articles plastic bag, one year my lippy in my handbag was thrown out at Security because it's paste and not allowed. I don't understand how women who get their make-up bags out on the plane (with foundation, mascara, etc.) have managed to get them through the scanner.
I always put foundation, mascara, lipstick etc in a see through bag and have never had any problems but they are all under 100ml so maybe that's why. Plus they have relaxed a bit since the immediate changes post 9/11.
You're OK as long as it's in the see-through, yes.

Forgot to add, if we are travelling from a hot place to a cold place, we usually have something to change into, in our hand baggage - or if we're wearing layers, there's room in the hand luggage to stow our fleeces, etc.

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Can I take a shoulder handbag ?

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