My friend has the Fake Bake spray on tan done, it looks great on her, but she goes brown easily. If you do decide to get one, don't do it yourself for the holiday, unless you get some practise in first, the last thing you want is to lay on the beach in a cossie with lovely streaky legs. My experiences of fake tans (being milk bottle white) have always ended in disaster so I stick to the gradual tanners, for me Palmers Natural Bronzer is the best on the market, but I mix it half and half with mousturiser and just use it everyday, pain I know. I use this one on my face but you can, and probably should use a special one for the face (widely available). Exfoliate before application, but make sure any shaving, waxing or Epilation of hairs are done a couple of days before to ensure the pores have closed, else you may end up with little brown dots where the an has gathered, don't mousturise immediately before application, it may create a barrier. Crap being fair sometimes isn't it?