Car journey games! in The AnswerBank: Travel
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Car journey games!

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Gavmacp | 22:03 Thu 12th Jul 2012 | Travel
7 Answers
My friend is going on a long car journey with two young girls aged 5 and 7.
She is looking for some car games to play. Has anyone got ideas?
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Print some bingo cards with car colours instead of numbers - no good on busy motorways , but great on quieter roads.
We always used to play the shopping trolley game. Some hilarious things were "bought", Harold Pinter being the best one that sticks in my mind!
Child one picks a car (either the one in front or one that is passing) and looks at the last three letters of the number plate. Child Two, then has to make up a sentence to make the other child laugh.
for example: last letters might be SLF, so might say; Susan looks funny, or BFS might be big feet smell.
if it makes the other laugh, they score a point. Most points, say after 10 cars, wins.
First person thinks of something - anything. Say, maybe, "hedge". The next person has to pick something completely unconnected, like "salmon". Then the game is to see if you can think of a connection, however silly. For instance,
"you could make a wooden knife out of a bit of hedge and cut up the salmon with it"
The driver is the judge of whether there is or is not a connection, and points can be scored if people like that kind of thing.
Also "I-spy", of course.My greatest success was:
"something beginning with :
The white line down the middle of the road ?
When my boys were little I always used to fill a bag full of toys and books and put it between them on the back seat. They also used to like story cassettes (Cds these days!), The Hodgeheg by Dick King Smith and Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl were both firm favourites.
On long journeys with our daughter (Scotland to East Sussex) she had a note book in which she counted the number of Eddie Stobart Trucks she saw, and Shearings Coaches - kept her amused for hours! She also loved story tapes - she still does (she'll be 24 next week!) though the stories she now listens to are miles away from Roald Dahl and Maisie the Morningside Cat

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