"Babas, I endured an extremely unfortable flight a year or so ago because the person next to me was so large she was filling her alloted space and some of the space I had paid for. I would have had something to say to the Airline because of this. "
What did you say, as a matter of interest?"
There was nothing I could say - the plane was full so neither of us could have moved and I certainly didn't want to upset the woman by drawing attention to it, even though she was thoughtless - but I was pretty bloody peeved. I would estimate she took about one quarter of my space. I wouldn't have minded if I was a waif, but I'm a 14 stone six footer so I needed the space alloted to me and which I had paid for
Have you ever tried reading or drinking a cup of tea using your forearms only with your upper arms pinned to your sides - its bloody difficult.
Thank gawd the flight was 'only' 2 hours.