There is no official limit on the quantity of cigarettes you can bring in from other EU countries (except from most of the former Soviet-block EU members) as long as the cigarettes are for your personal use. (This can include cigarettes you purchase as gifts but not cigarettes which are to be sold or exchanged for other items or services).
Customs officers used to work to strict guidelines which meant that they automatically assumed that cigarettes were for commercial use if certain quantities were exceeded (and the traveller could not justify importing such a large quantity). This resulted in many travellers, arriving via seaports, having not only their cigarettes seized but their vehicles as well. The courts have now ruled such draconian measures unlawful. There are still official guidelines, however, which, after all, are exactly what people like yourself require if you're trying to stay on the right side of the law.
Quizmonster is correct in confirming that the official gudeline figure for the importation of cigarettes is 3200 (i.e. 16 packs of 200).
All the details are here: PortalWebApp.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pageTravel _InfoGuides&propertyType=document&id=HMCE_PROD_0 10221
Hoping this helps (but give it up anyway, it's bad for your health!),