Coming Of Age
A young Jewish boy met with his Rabbi who told him 'Now that you have come of age you must prove yourself as a Jewish boy by taking something that is worth nothing and turning into a profit'
The young lad thought for a moment and then said 'Rabbi what did you do with the little bits of skin left over when you perform circumcision'
The Rabbi replied 'They are in the rubbish bin'
The boy said he would take them and later that day he took each bit of skin and beat and stretched it until it became like leather.
He returned to the rabbi and said 'Look Rabbi I took each bit of skin and turned into leather then I stitched each piece together and made this lovely leather wallet'
'Yes' said the Rabbi ' very good but this wallet is only worth £5 to £10 and I was looking for something more valuable'.
'£5 to £10' said the boy 'its worth at least £100.
'How on earth can it be worth a £100' asked the Rabbi
'Well' said the boy 'when you rub it, it will turn into a suitcase.