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hannah40 | 12:59 Wed 09th May 2018 | Travel
4 Answers
My friends 15 yr old has autism. She is a single mum. When he has a melt down over anything really he hits her very hard. He pushes her and hurts her.
I have witnessed this on occasions.after this has happened she cuddles him and says every thing is ok. No action is taken. There are no boundaries in her home. Her son is in charge so he appears to me to get away with anything. If she does say no that’s when she gets hit.

I know each to there own but I feel she should take away an activity if he ruts her but she excuses him as he has autism.
I suggested she asked her social workers advice but she said no as it may seem she is not coping with him.
Any ideas what others may do?


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Hannah, as a friend all you do is be there - your advice is right she does need guidance.

Autism is very particular in how it affects each person, but it is never an excuse for violence and she will end up in fear of her son.

Then what will become of them both?

Very hard for you to witness.
Setting aside what she does or doesn't need, have you got any experience yourself of dealing with an autistic child or teenager? While she may need support and help, its up to her to choose to do it and if she doesn't then all you can do is be there when she needs you....but I would suggest with support and not with advice unless you have that experience yourself.
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I have experience with my own autistic child but my parenting is discipline and structures and routine. Also a good hands on dad.
She has a social worker for her son but she will not tell her social worker that her child beats her up.
She says she fell over the cat ect.
I hope she does decide to reach out for support Hannah.

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