If you are under the age of 35 you are more likely to die in a road traffic accident than from the corona virus.
There are currently 118 countries the Foreign Office now advises against ‘all but essential travel’ to because of ‘unacceptably high risk’ from Covid-19.
There are only 2 countries with a higher number of deaths from Covid-19 than the UK.
Now the advert:
Buy your own copy if you want to find out what corruption the good/great and our government are up to years before the stories break in the national press/media.
MD has written more sense in Private Eye about Covid than in all the other media put together. Why he hasn't been interviewed on TV about this is beyond me.
Under 35s might not die but they could infect their parents, grandparents, older people they work with or come in to contact with in their day to day lives such as shopping.
I’m fairly sure you are more likely to die in a road accident under the age of 35 then if the virus. Whatever you wish to take from that.
Even if you actually have the virus
The Eye attacks the current Government. Always has.
The current Government have lurched a lot further rightwards. If you support the Government and indeed voted for them, then you will regard anything that criticises them as leftie. The Eye is not leftie, they attacked Corbyn mercilessly. He deserved, and so does the Government.
Private Eye occasionally prints corrections when they have got something wrong – and regularly publishes letters with a contrary view to a published item.
But if only 1% of what they printed was lies – Mr. Hislop would soon find the magazine bankrupt as a result of legal and compensation payments.
They often receive missives from Carter-*** (and others) threatening legal action on behalf of their clients – the magazine’s response is invariably to tell them (and their client) to go forth and multiply.