My friend wants me to go away for her 30th but my other friend can't go as can't afford I tried to say I'm going to on holiday in September with family basically I don't want to go with her on my own and when I said about September she said about I can afford both as live home. What can I say?
Although you live at home you may have expenses that she does not know about, or you may be saving for your September holiday. You may not have enough holiday days from work to do both.
Although you live at home you may have expenses that she does not know about, or you may be saving for your September holiday. You may not have enough holiday days from work to do both.
Just tell her its too expensive to go away but happy to do something special locally. Then don't stop for a reaction, just keep talking and asking what she'd like to do, party? dinner and a show? cocktails and clubbing? a spa day? what do you fancy?
This is so unfair (on her part).
Just send a message that says something like Dear Susan, thank you for the invite, but at this moment in time, I can't afford an overseas trip, and I am so lucky that it's you, and you understand, and perhaps we can celebrate another way, at a different date.