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Is There Such A Thing?

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bednobs | 15:17 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | Travel
14 Answers

Is there such a thing as a pre loaded travel card that you can put cash dollars into in the UK? My 12yo is of to me York and has been given some money in dollar bills that I want to put on a prepaid card for her. However I don't want to change them into pounds, to only have to convert back to dollars when she spends it



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Your question is confusing.

Is it New York that she is going to?

The post office do one, but I'm not sure if you can load it with dollars. Have a look here.

If not maybe she can take the dollars to spend as cash  in New York. Always useful to have a bit of cash.

I don't know of a pre-paid travel that you can load with any form of cash, they are usually loaded by an app from a current account.

You'll be limited by her being under 18 and I don't know of any cards where cash can be paid in on them.

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Sorry yes I typed new York (and off to) . She could take cash but I worry about it a as she is only 12 And will have to be in complete charge of it.

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She has a bank card and PIN she could take too.

Take them to a Bureau de change and exchange them for £££, then credit that amount from your bank account onto a preloaded travel-card.

Or let her take the cash (give it to a responsible accompanying adult) and set up a card, too.


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There is not the option to give it to An accompanying adult sadly. I worry the bank will block the card and she'll be unable to buy stuff too. Too much to think about 

I would ask in a Post Office branch that does travel money as although it's complicated to follow online it seems to refute some of the answers above (ie you can load your PO Travel Card with cash in various currencies).

I can understand you not wanting to convert them in to sterling and back again - could be expensive.  Good idea to let her take the dollars as cash.  It could be cheaper to let her use her debit card instead of a travel card.  

Prudie is right, you can top up the Post Office travel card with cash at any post office branch,in%20any%20of%20our%20branches.

When I went to Florida in 2015 I got a travel card, think it was Visa, and put money on it to use there. Can't remember where I got it from. You could also look into a Revolute Junior account that can be used for multiple currencies. They have a card and PIN and the parent who sets up the account can also control the account. Grandkids have these

I'd get a Revolut in my name, load it with the dollars and give her the card. She can't spend more than the balance.

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