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Looking For A Niche Holiday?

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ToraToraTora | 13:26 Sun 21st Jul 2024 | Travel
6 Answers

....ideal for our resident taliban enthusiasts?



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There are Taliban enthusiasts here? 

It's not the sort of holiday I'd want but to each his own I suppose!

Blow that for a game of soldiers.  Bet the hotels aren't up to much and you can't even have drink to drown your sorrows!  I'll stick to the Caribbean!  

Nowhere ending in 'stan' draws me towards it.

Things are bad enough mixing with the mob that have already made it here without giving them home advantage.

Clubbing means something different in Afghanistan ... it's not for me.

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...yeah but you could get stoned 😁

Yes, also not appealing - not that appealing would even be possible ...

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