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Bread Pudding. Idiot Proof

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rowanwitch | 16:26 Sat 24th Aug 2024 | Food & Drink
14 Answers

Approx a loaf worth of stale bread, leave it spread out for a couple of hours to dry out a bit...

4 eggs

½Block lard( approx 4oz)

½Block hard butter ( approx 4oz)

One cup of plain flour

3 teaspoons baking powder

½ cup dark brown sugar

Two cups of dried fruit but must include sultanas

Two heaped teaspoons mixed spice ( cake spice)

One heaped teaspoon ground cinnamon

One heaped teaspoon ground ginger( optional)

Rum or brandy( optional)

One cup of hot water

Take a very big bowl..... I use a washing up bowl, mixing bowl just aren't big enough

tear the bread into chunks and pour on the hot water and work it into the bread until it looks like very lumpy porridge

Add Everything else and squidge between your fingers until it's a horrible brownish sludge with small lumps of lard and butter still visible. 

Take a well greased meat dish and spread the mixture evenly

Cover with buttered greaseproof paper

Bake in a moderate oven  for about 90 minutes check with a knife or skewer which should come out cleanly.   If still sticky test every 5 minutes Take off greaseproof, sprinkle top with sugar and put back in oven for about another 15 minutes

Allow to cool..... 

I am evil and pour a generous measure of booze into it as it cools    This isnt a totally traditional recipe but it is suitably heavy and moist....  I make it at Christmas replacing half the fruit with a jar of mincemeat, and chopped's very forgiving if you want to play with it.





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I bet it is not completely idiot-proof.  If I could work out how to use my new oven I would be able to prove that this idiot could still mangle the recipe.

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Naah, it's really easy, no weighing, and it's fun doing the squidging.

As for working out how to use your cooker, if you know the make and model download the manual from e spares if you havent got a copy.

I have the instructions but it all looks so terribly complicated.

I have mastered the induction hobs and air fryer.

Thanks Rowan!!!!!! Just waiting for a surplus of bread.

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I tend to buy an extra loaf and spread it out over my worktops overnight


I use milk and eggs instead of water.  Mixed spice has cinnamon and ginger so I don't bother with it for bread pudding, just add more cinnamon and ginger, plus nutmeg.  I melt the fat in the microwave and stir it in. 

We like lard in it too - but we love good, old - fashioned lardy cake.




You are mentioning Christmas in August ? 🤯

I sympathise wolf, I've just got a new hob but it needs a degree in nuclear science to work out the instructions 😀  😀  😀  😀  😀  

Be very careful....bread pudding is very addictive..p.s.dont forget the grated orange peel :-)

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Every recipe is different... Quite nice made with crystallized ginger, candied peel, and orange juice instead of the water

The loading with the ginger and cinnamon is just preference.I Never put nutmeg in,  I know at least two people who are allergic.  Nutmeg is for custard tarts and rice puddings...

I'm on a low cholesterol diet (docor's orders) so I think I'll pass up on this - shame as I loved it as a kid.

Oh thank you, thank you, thank you for this!  I have been trying to make bread pudding 'as my grandma made it in the 1930s & 40s) for OH for years and it's never quite 'right' - although he chews  manfully.

This seems to have everything - I'll give it a go when we get back from our holiday in Scotland  at the end of September  XXXX

('Mutter, mutter, mutter, now tell me it's not quite right!' There may be lurid details of a pudding-spattered corpse found later in the year...........)

Thanks for posting this Rowan, never made it but it does look very easy so will give it a go x

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