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Invasion Of Privacy

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nailedit | 15:46 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
23 Answers

Anyone else hate having strangers in their home?

Being a council tenant, I have to have a tenancy 'audit' once a year. Had one this morning, whereby a council official visits, asks loads of questions and looks into every room of my flat to check that all is well.

I hate it. Feel like my right to privacy is invaded.



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Good afternoon,

Once a year is not bad, private tenants may have to put up with it every 3 months, depending on the type of insurance.

Just one of those things, nailedit.  At least you can console yourself with the thought that it's done for another year.

Yes I hate having strangers in the house, I don't really like having visitors at all, thankfully I own my house. What I absolutely hate though is people I know turning up un announced. That is rare though.

Isn't there some sort of yooman rytes against this sort of thing?

So do I, TTT, although thankfully it doesn't happen much these days.

I don't like having strangers in my home, hate having trades people in

when we had a police investigation and social worker referral, i had no choice but to invite strangers into my home for a period of 18 months, which is why i no longer do, now that i do have a choice.

I own my own home, so dont have to put up with tenancy shizz like you do

I had to do it as a landlord and had it done as a tenant and both times found it a neccessary but very uncomfortable experience. I suppose best to look at it positively in that you have a council flat and not at the mercy of a slum landlord who will never come around, but will also never do any improvement work.

An Englishman's home is his castle.  

Could you not refuse them admittance?

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//I suppose best to look at it positively in that you have a council flat and not at the mercy of a slum landlord who will never come around, but will also never do any improvement work//

Describes my sons landlord to a T...

Sandy, you can, but would maybe be in violation of your Terms of Tenancy 

I don't think they have the right to enter in law but it's probably in the tenency agreement somewhere.

nailit, and many thousands more I'm afraid. People are frightened to report things to these landlords for fear of being evicted.

^. OK, ta.

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The question isnt about the council though. Its about having strangers in your home, like barry1010, I also hate having trades people in my flat. Im something of a hermit nowadays and apart from family and a few close friends, avoid as far as possible from having anyone in my space.


Never heard of this one before!!! I hope you check their credentials. Imagine how many flats they gotta check!! Waste of time that could be put to better use.

If I have tradesmen in I go in my study and leave them to get on with whatever they're doing - and tell them to give me a shout when they're finished.   If they're here a long time I do emerge to make them tea and feed them throughout the day though.

Sharon it is not a waste of time. Once when doing a visit when I worked for a letting agency, I noted twelve mattresses in the living room and six mattresses in each of the bedrooms of a two bed terrace being rented by a 'couple'.  Landlords private or Housing associations, have to check to make sure the property is safe and being used for residential purposed for the appropriate amount of people. All this affects the Insurance a landlord has to take out on a property -the respectable good landlords that is.

Council officials have the right to inspect their tenant's property but must give at least 24 hours notice (they can enter without notice and force entry in certain circumstances).  It is a criminal offence to obstruct them.

Tenants must also allow the compulsory 12 month gas inspection if they have mains of gas.

It certainly isn't a waste of time.  Quite a few subletters living abroad have been caught out due to these inspections.  They've also found a few houses being used as canabis farms;  interior doors missing as they'd been used as firewood and all sorts of other criminal activities and misdemeanours.

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