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Does Anyone Have Any Nice Holidays Planned?

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naomi24 | 11:10 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
44 Answers

After waking this morning to a chilly, icy landscape some posts to warm us all up would be welcome.  



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Wish I did have, naomi, sometimes I long for a bit of winter sun but my wife reminds me I complain about the heat, the mosquitos and the blerdy cockroaches when I'm abroad.  So I've decided to take the Danish approach and hygge. 

On the opposite end I quite fancied one of those river cruises up the fjords until I watched a YouTube review.  That put me off river cruising on a large boat for life.  We've always enjoyed cruising on the Norfolk Broads and the canals, going along at our own pace, master of the tiller. 

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This will do for me.




My grandson teaches scuba diving in the Maldives. I've been invited out but it's just so expensive to travel to that I'll have to give it a miss at the moment. Maybe next year.

I don't think you are missing much, if it's any consolation maggie. It may look fantastic on the photos with palm trees and beaches, but it is extremely humid, uncomfortably so, a bit smelly and on our island electricity had to be generated making a lot of noise to fill the oxygen tanks

The staff were all rather surly Muslims (it's a Muslim country) and we had a distinct feeling that they resented serving us 'infidels'.

Your grandson is in the best bit: underwater - it's fabulous !  I'll never forget the colours of the fish and being so close to a giant ray

We've booked our next flights to Japan for the end of March. Three weeks. Our three children and their families are also coming, so should be great.

those river cruise boats they advertise on the telly look like it'd take one wave to break them in half barry

It wasn't that that put me off, it was the over organised coach trip vibe. 

Our friend had her honeymoon in Japan, she adored it.

Other friends have been disappointed with the Maldives but they made the most of it with scuba and snorkeling which they said was superb

Nerja for the festive season.

Wish we'd done it years ago.

In answer to the OP, yep! Already booked for 2 weeks in Woolacombe next August. 

Just returned from a lovely week in Nice - missing it already.

We're looking to book another trip to Japan for next year. Such a wonderful country.

We're going to Antarctica.

Wow, some of these answers surprise me. We went to the Maldives just before Covid and it was utter total paradise, the friendliest staff, gorgeous weather, gorgeous food, gorgeous beach villa, the only smell was from the spa fragrance, the snorkelling and sea were out of this world. I'm not exagerrating, though it was expensive I agree. I suppose it depends on what you went for pricewise and the only place I vcan imagine where you might have come across surly muslims is if you stayed on an inhabited island or Male itself.

Nerja is one of my favourite places in mainland Spain, first went over 30 years ago and it is somewhat different now

We're going to *** Cana for the festive season. Our friends recommended it and they're off to Egypt on Boxing Day. 

We've booked a big holiday for next year too (Belle Mare) and we're planning holidays to mark our big birthdays which fall within a few months of each other. My better half wants to do San Francisco and Pacific Mexico for his and I'm leaning towards Singapore and perhaps Bali for mine or even a multi-centre in South America but that's still two years away.

Why was P.un.t.a starred out? 

I think it now identifies as Punt B.

I was thinking of booking a couple of Weeks holiday in the UK. But I am still thinking about it.

Prudie; We were obviously on different islands. I can't recall what ours was called, visually it was ravishing, and the diving was great. It was quite small - you could circumnavigate it around its beach in 20 minutes.

(and it wasn't cheap!)

Tilly, a friend of mine went to Antarctica two years ago. Part of the holiday included Tierra del Fuego, Iguazu Falls and Machu Piccu. At the moment he is in Jordan.

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