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Junk Food

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nicebloke1 | 12:09 Tue 03rd Dec 2024 | News
10 Answers

Just heard on radio that next year junk food won't be able to be advertised on TV before 9pm.

Can't for the life of me see that this is going to make a blind bit of differece to peoples eating habbits.

If its what I think it is, to protect children then, no it won't. Because if parents already eat a lot of junk food, then thats what they will dish their kids, dont you think? And I'm sure I heard them say icecream was one of them????



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Unsure how junk is defined but; take your kid to a fast food restaurant once, they'll remember and if they liked it, pester you anyway. Especially if their friends go regularly.

I remember a doctor on radio years ago saying that there's no such thing as "junk food" ...only a "junk diet".

Might stop the kids pester power.

Stop putting rubbish food in packaging that appeals to children 

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They finished off by saying it (could) reduce  the obest population by 20million. 

Aye, plain wrappers, like fags. 🙄

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Well to be fair smoking has been reduced greatly, but i think thats more down to the price and blocking the black market.

They should go the whole hog and introduce WW2 style rationing with ration books etc. That would reduce obesity!

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The McDonalds kids happy meal is really happy packaging, but not so happy later in life.

Nannying won't stop lazy cooks being lazy cooks.

Maybe time for those who know better to step up and give the benefit of their experience and skills to others less fortunate.

And lazy.

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