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rebecca321 | 15:55 Wed 15th Mar 2006 | Travel
30 Answers
Why are girls better drivers then men?


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Should have said in my last post that I love the Scots,specially you Dris,just like the banter and the smacks !!

Unfortunately, my Mum has done the family tree bit, and we're about the most English family you'll ever meet. Must go now, off to eat pizza and watch football (the Italian Bedford influence coming in...10% of Bedford's population is of Italian extraction).

Twenty years driving, no accidents, no points on licence. Even passed Michigan driving test when out there (very surreal experience)

campbellking - I always say get out while the goings good - speak with you again:)

Ray - you obviously havent heard of that expression:)See men just cant take a telling -women are more in control in all ways especially behind the wheel of a car.By the way just to make matters worse I've got the Irish and the Spanish in me - what an explosive combi - mostly Scottish tho.(Just with campbell mentioning her family tree)

BTW - do you have indicators on your car?Just wondered if it was unique to men that you had the option!!

Sorry campbellking well done - bet you sailed through it:)

I did get a parking ticket once but that apart unblemished.

OK,OK I give in you two win,

We will meet again, Bye now,Ray xx

My husband always tries to tell me that he's a better driver than me, too...

Ha, after all it was him, who had two accidents (that I know of) in the five years I've known him, not me!

Of course they were never his fault...


I used to think women were on the whole more sensible than men. Alas, I now think that was then while this is now. On driving, for the two sexes it is at least even numbers with irresposible/aggressive driving, breaking speed limits, etc. Rudeness (pushing their way through, especially when in charge of a pram) is commonplace, drinking to excess is also and there are now apparently more women smokers under the age of 40 than there are men (eau de fag is among the most frequently detected fragrances worn by young women). I wholeheartedly support equality and women's right to be as foolish as men - but do they really have to get even on that one ?

Only two words - hornets nest:)

I am going to ponder each thing you said and will reply - supporting women - accordingly:)

Laura Davies and Michele Wie, to name but two, are VERY good drivers... but Messrs Woods, Montgomery, Els etc are much better.

Oh what a can of worms you have opened ! Maybe the question should be not better, but safer ? My own experience from driving on the motorway every day is that men drive more aggressively and take more risks than women. Before you start, I'm not saying women don't do stupid things, because we do ! If women aren't safer driver how come all these adverts sell cheap insurance for women who are 'safer drivers' ? Surely that would be against the trades description act or something ?

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