Having been delayed due to fog, it was horrendous. we went to Rome with ryanair for a long weekend in feb. we checked in early for our return or so we thought. flight kept being put back so we contacted home. father in law looked on teletext and on there, it said that flight had been cancelled! eventually we were told this. everyone was up in arms as it was the weekend before kids went back after half term ,there were teachers, head teachers, parents who had left kids at home with inlaws etc. there were only 16 seats that night out on another flight to other end of country. we were no 152 on boarding card so no chance. in end, rather than wait til next day when we werent guaranteed anything, not wanting to spend nite on airport floor nor pay to go back into Rome , we instead asked to go on a delayed flight that we had spotted to glasgow of all places. it sounds crazy but was a real good move. we landed at 20 past midnight and hired a car to get home to near birmingham. it took us 8 hours which nearly killed me as hubby couldnt drive at time. we drove back to east mids next day to collect our car!! we were back collecting car at 1.30 pm that day on the monday and were told we were the only second people back so , there are ways round a cancellation, just dont let everyone else hear about your idea in the queue or you may be doing yourself out of a flight back! Rome was fantastic and a trip not to be forgotten in more ways than one! darn fog!