Oh how frustrating! I just wrote an epistle for you and when hitting enter..it failed.
OK, I�ll have to do over later. However, in the meantime, PLEASE do not book anything until I offer you some more thoughts. Personally, I�d never book anyone in a Helmsley Hotel. Mrs H just passed away and for the past couple of years, her hotels have been drifting in limbo�but if you don�t know about the Venerable Mrs Leona Helsley (aka The Queen of Mean), I think you might wish to bone up before making your decision.
I have spent more nights in the Marriott Marquis than I care to remember. But that was when it was brand new. If you like being in a mega hotel that has the same service concept as virtually every other Marriott in the world, then fine. But personally, I loathe Times Square. The Roosevelt is an interesting choice. Located close to Grand Central Station at Madison Avenue, it�s a reasonably �acceptable� hotel. However, there are many many more that you may enjoy.
If this is your first trip, I would actively encourage you to consider staying at a hotel on Central Park, perhaps even on Central Park South. (I lived on CPS for a number of years.)
Seasons, I prefer, for value, to go the week prior to Valentines Day. In April, the prices start to move up. The weather is indeed unpredictable, it will be cool/cold. Later in April is lovely and Central Park is awash in colours. It�s a personal choice.
Did you know that you �could� actually stop over in �say�Boston..on your way in to New York and get to see that city, for the same price as your direct flights to New York?
I recall that I provided a number of details about travel to Manhattan in an earlier thread. I�ll check later to see if I can find it for you.
14:15 Thu 04th Oct 2007