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time difference in sri lanka.

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branchinghen | 12:03 Thu 10th Jan 2008 | Travel
4 Answers
Anyone know the time diff in sri lanka? Also im going there oin hoilday does anyone know if its any good?


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It's now 25 to 6 in the evening:
im going soon also!!!!!!!!! lets meet up and get blown up together
depends what sort of holiday you want. Good beaches and good ruins, less great for shopping or nightlife. Much of the north is off-limits because of rebel activity.
Sri Lanka is GMT + 5 1/2 hours: p?CiID=6643&forma=Find%20Time

My advice would be to find a package deal which offers a week touring followed by a week in a good hotel on the coast.

I suggest thet you get a guide book before you decide.

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time difference in sri lanka.

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