I am really worried about this so would appreciate any help around! I am 17 years old and next year my b/f, dad and his g/f are all going to america. However when I was 14 I got arrested for shoplifting and only got a slap on the wrist, and a caution, I was under the impression that after I turned 18 my record would be wiped clean. I am now worried that this will not be the case and I will need to apply for a visa to go on holiday? I will be 19 at the time of going on holiday.
If your holiday is in the US you don't apply for a visa - you fill out a small form on the plane called a visa waiver. Onthis you declare that you have no convictions - you need to just tick that box and forget about your foolish act as a child. Your record should be sealed when you're 18, but even if not there's going to be no-one checking that you stole some sweeties or lippy. Trust me, they've bigger fish to fry.
as it was a caution when your were a minor you will be fine, fill in the waiver on the plane and do not tell about your caution you will be fine. i have done it myself
people have been refused entry at us immigration for not declaring any criminal offences prior to travel spent or current,how do the officials know of the offence?