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lauragreen1 | 00:48 Mon 24th Nov 2008 | Getting there
3 Answers
i have a driving conviction from 2yrs ago for driving without insurance. I filled out the visa waiver form online and ticked no to the question, have u been done for crimes involving moral turpitude. My application came back saying i would be fine to travel. Does that mean nothing comes up on my file? Please help.


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No, it means that the US do not have access to UK records as has always been the case

what was your driving conviction for?
The new online ESTA system isn't a Visa! You will still get the green Visa Waiver form on the plane until 12th Jan next year when the ESTA takes over full time. If you needed to get a Visa then the reply to your ESTA form application would have said so. ("You may NOT travel without a valid Visa, please contact your local Embassy for Visa advice").

Look here for more about moral turpitude;

You will see that even drunk driving isn't classed as "moral turpitude"

Enjoy your trip and stop panicking!
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it was for driving without insurance. Thanx ur answers helped

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