jersey again
So sorry to ask so many questions, it's surprisingly difficult to find out information about the channel islands on internet searches. Anyway, my travel agent told me today that jersey dosen't have the NHS (fair enough) however, is it in the EEA? I wonder if my ehic will be enough should i become unwell over there? Insurance covering me for my very long list of medical ailments is going to be very expensive, and i will get it, ut 'd rather not have to deal with an insurance claim if poss, after feeling wrung out after my las battle with them and i'm not planning to be ill on my holiday but grrrrr! I just can't seem to find out any answers on the doh website or or anywhere really. Chris provided me a link about a week ago, but ihave a horrible feeling things have changed recently, and it may be out of date. Does anyone know? anyone had to use health services while on holiday