Flying to paphos next week with easyjet... 5 hour flight :-( and just wondering once on board, is there in flight movies/programmes, do they have meals provided or is it like a short flight where you have to buy sandwiches and snacks etc.
has anyone flown with them before to cyprus, if so what have I got to look forward to on the flight?!!!
Prices are cheap but flying on a no frills basis means accepting some sacrifices. Baggage costs an additional £6 and excess baggage is charged at £6 per kilo if pre-booked online. Passengers only get to choose their seats once through the boarding gate and on flight food and beverages are paid for at a premium. Plus legroom is squeezed to maximise passenger numbers, not always pleasant on what is a short but longer than average haul flight.
They showed Avatar in 3D on a huge screen, the stewards brought round free champagne for everbody, we had lobster for lunch, and as we left the plane they gave us a free ipod each.
Or was it that there was no movies, you had to pay for your drinks and food, and you had little leg room as the seats were close together.
I think it was the latter, after all it is a no frills airline.
You have absolutely nothing to look forward too at all - oh maybe a fight for baggage allowance weight penalisation if slightly over - and a delay in taking off. Bon Voyage, manco
Spend all the money you save by taking a 'no frills flight - ie no movies or beds or champagne' when you get to your destination. They do sell snacks on board but take some sarnies if you cannot manage five hours on a plane.
Went to Morocco with Easy Jet recently and found ourselves in a brand new 757, bang on time but without three course meal, unlimited booze etc.