I suspect that the reason you're not getting any answers here is because we can't understand why it should be any more difficult to relocate to Dublin than to, say, Manchester, Cardiff or Edinburgh.
Assuming that you're British (or a citizen of another EU country) you have the right to travel to, live in, work in and own property in any of the 27 EU member states, which obviously includes Ireland. (Even if the EU didn't exist you'd still have the right to emigrate to Ireland as free movement between the UK and Ireland has always been in place ever since southern Ireland regained its independence).
So, just the same as if you moved within the UK, the only problems you'd face would be the usual ones of finding work and accommodation. You might need to open a new bank account (based in the Republic, in euros) but there would be no other difference to relocating within the UK. (There are reciprocal arrangements in place, between the two countries, relating to health provision and the accrual & payment of state pension benefits so there's really nothing to worry about).