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Flight to Marrakech

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slinkycat | 03:01 Thu 06th Jan 2011 | Travel
4 Answers
Way past my bedtime, but trying to get cheap flight to Marrakech at end of march. Cheapest I've found (apart from Gatwick, never again!) is easyjet from Manchester £220 for two people, return, bargain!
Would prefer to fly from Birmingham, East Mids or Luton, but the only flights I can find start at £600 each!
Why are the prices so hugely different? And if anyone can find a midlands flight comparable in price to the Manchester one please let me know!


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The prices are different because each year travel agents purchase a set number of holidays from each airport around the UK. That accommodates most travellers wishing to travel from their nearest airports. However, an agent might have sold most of it's allocation of holidays departing from say Luton Airport if most of it's customers have chosen to fly from there. That might leave the agent with X-number of holidays to the same destination available from other less-popular airports like Manchester or Gatwick. In that case it will price those holidays far lower than those to the same destination from more popular Luton.

The reason a Manchester departure is so cheap is because the agent needs to sell their vacant Manchester departures and are trying to encourage you to leave from there. If you insist on flying from the more popular airports then they will charge you accordingly.

I hope you find a convenient flight and enjoy Marrakech Slinkycat. My wife and I did a few years ago.
I suspect that you've tried all of the airlines already any but, in case you've missed any of the possibilities, here's a list of ALL direct scheduled flights from UK airports to Marrakech:

BA (ex Gatwick, from 27th March onwards)

easyJet (ex Gatwick & Manchester)

Royal Air Maroc (ex Gatwick)

Ryanair (ex Bristol, East Midlands, Edinburgh and Luton. Also ex Stansted from 27th March)

Thomson (ex Gatwick & Manchester)

It's unlikely that you'll find any charter flights to Marrakech so, if you've tried all of the operators above, you'll have to pay the higher fares, go via Manchester or reconsider Gatwick.

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Thanks both for that. No Chris I haven't tried ryanair so will look into that. Gatwick is really inconvenient for us, I don't drive and hubby would prefer not to have to drive back from there to the midlands at the end of a holiday.
We did it by public transport last year, two trains, tube to victoria was shut so had to get a bus with late night revellers, then the Gatwick shuttle train thing, had almost lost the will to live by the end of it!
See where you're coming from Andy, but I never understand why Gatwick or Manchester are less popular,and Brum in particular is more expensive,if I lived near them, as thousands do, I would prefer to use them!
Its because Easter is at the end of March next year. Sunday is the 27th

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