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Can't Seem To Get The Link To Work

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JinnyJoan | 11:57 Wed 10th Jul 2024 | Home & Garden
32 Answers

but maybe now - I don't want to move or downsize my house but want to install toilet, sink and shower at the back of my house in the garden (which isn't too big) and so I don't want a monstrosity either.  My friend, neighbour and builder has told me this cannot be done.  I just want it delivered all in one and he said absolutely no way but it would be great for me - here goes ith the link


no link won't work again but if there are anybody interested out there - could you at *Ad which shall not be named* at shower, toilet sink altogether and give me an opinion - he said the prices shown are actually for the actual, sink, shower and toilet - would anybody have any other kind of idea that could it be done

*Ad which shall not be named*.com   - think that where you find it   - thanks if you look 



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^^^  AliXXXX

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I've had a look and can't find anything that looks like your description.

The shipping fees would be horrendous 

Like this? £600+ for shipping?

https://www.*Ad which shall not be named*.com/item/1005006045537497.html

You are allowed to put links to things you're interested in or asking about.

It's only when it's clearly advertising that is a problem.

All the photos show them as installed indoors.

What does your plumber suggest? It seems you'd need a small addition built... or take space from an existing room.

Corby, it's impossible to put a link to a certain outlet on AB

Is it? Since when?

Since links to that particular outlet started appearing on AB, back in the dark ages when it was considered to be a dodgy site

All I can find on that site is miniature bathrooms for dolls houses

A wee test

https://www.*Ad which shall not be named*.com/item/1005007269368217.html?spm=a2g0n.home.rcmd.11.3ec176dbLaQbni&gps-id=msiteJustForYou&scm=1007.3

Shortened link

I gave you a link a while back to an outside cubicle with toilet, shower and sink. They are bigger than you imagine and is there sufficient access to your back garden to get a ready assembled unit in?

Well done, Corby

I thought JJ was being careful, I didn't realize AB altered the links.

A shortened URL gets round it anyway.

Can it not be done because of planning permission or because of logistics of where you  want it

I found an outdoor portable shower sink and toilet for £2,072 with £11k shipping on that site 


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well I have forgotten Barry - could you show me that link again - off to bed again 

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PS   - I am not looking for like a portable scenario that one would have at gigs etc.  Am looking for like an attachment to my house (housey looking LOL)

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I did post this in the ipad thing but it didn't come through.  Although lovely neighbour, friend and builder but he has told me it would be xmas or around that time when he could give me a start so that puts me off as well.  That puts me in a position too as I now can't look for another builder as it would hurt his feelings perhaps.  

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