Hi USALady, well we don't have the vast difference in temperatures that you do in the US as Britain is much smaller, doesn't go as far south as eg Florida, and doesn't have anywhere thousands (or even hundreds) or miles from the sea. We are as far north as Canada, yet are much milder as we have the gulf stream to warm us.
At the moment we have snow in some places, and where it has fallen everything grinds to a halt. We just aren't geared up for severe weather, of any kind, here, so even 3 inches of snow closes 200 schools, roads are closed etc etc. Not like in the States, where even 8 or 9 inches is dealt with efficiently and everyone manages to go about their daily business.
And yes, we do have differences in temperatures, but only by a few degrees centigrade. Have a look here at todays temperatures
http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/ukweather/tempera ture.shtml