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Forecast for England?

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NoMercy | 14:14 Fri 01st Jan 2010 | Weather
9 Answers
What's the weather set to be like in Blighty over the next couple of weeks? Any end in sight to the cold snap? I need to book a flight back to England, but don't want to do so if I am likely to incur travel delays due to really bad weather.


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well apparently York is briefly going as high as 3 degrees for one day next week......
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well at the mo it's zero NoM and nights are -7....
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Oh my sweet lord, I think I'll give it a miss....
Sydney's very nice this time of year; you could have a drink with Chinadoll
if you go to the BBC homepage and type in your postcode in the weather section it will give you a 3 day forecast............
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I suppose I ought to type in the code for Bristol airport then?

jno... Australia sounds fab, but I have an exhibition to go to in Birmingham. Couple of weeks away yet.
so, exhibition in Birmingham in midwinter vs sitting on Bondi having a drink with China.... right, no contest really!

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Forecast for England?

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