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An Idea For Any Inventor

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Ric.ror | 19:33 Sat 19th Sep 2015 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Might I suggest designing a line of children's clothes with a layer of bubble wrap in them
I'd buy them and so would many other paranoid grannies


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Why not just wrap them in Cotton Wool before they venture outside?
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I think Sir James will take a look at the potentially to exploit 53 year old Grandmas paranoid about their grandkids falling and hurting themselves AND who care for 88 year old parent who also is unsteady on her feet

I have the money and I will spend it
Well make sure he blings it up a bit....x
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Good idea Baldric - jump on my bandwaggon
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Ok - then we need to get in for the old folks market
Apart from being sensible ie cycle helmets when riding, you have to let them be.

The idea of children running through the forest in protective clothing is a sad one.

Those trips to A&E or ever attentiveness with the first aid remedies are part of the rite of Grannies passage.
As stated earlier, padded clothing for those prone to falls and fractures are available.
safety clothing can backfire -literally. A lady I know was wearing a type of riding jacket that inflates with compressed air if you fall off. She fell of and the jacket inflated and broke five of her ribs and her shoulder.
Wild, Underfed, unclothed, bare feet, nits, unwashed kids of 1940s survived to be great grandads & grandmas ;)
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Of course they (I) did Tambo but I bet if my Granny had the money she would have had me in a padded suit to stop the bumps and bruises

SUIT NOT CELL - before anyone posts that
Not a bad idea but flawed.If children were on scooters or bikes and tearing down a hill and fell off the last thing you want is melted nylon/plastic in open abrasions once gravel had broken through the wrap and friction took over. That is why motorcyclists wear nylon jackets/overtrousers OVER their leathers.
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So it needs to be cotton based
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Mama - just seen your link - those trousers only protect certain areas of the body (knees and hips I think)
My idea would protect the whole of the limbs

It cannot be that hard to make

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