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Picked Half A Pound Of Blackberries Today !

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mikey4444 | 18:48 Sat 17th Oct 2015 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Here we are, halfway through October and yet I managed to pick half a pound lovely blackberries to day, around the Usk Reservoir, which I shall have with some custard this evening. I can't recall picking any this late in the year before !


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Up here the autumn half term holiday used to be known as blackberry week.
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When I was a boy, there was a saying that had a line in it that said...
" and after the end of September, blackberries were not to be eaten as the Devil has peed on them", or something in that line !
According to tradition, they shouldn't be picked after 11th of October.
Hopefully you can disprove this as a myth.
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Well, I ate as many as I picked to take home and they were very nice.

What a lovely day by the reservoir by the way. Two Red Kites in evidence all afternoon, and myself and the Yorkshire Wolfhound had a lovely picnic and walkies !

"I have recently discovered Morrisons Lattice Pork Pie...only £1 and we both wolfed it done with real gusto !"
The bushes around here still have loads of blackberries, Norfolk, they're OK to cook, I'll be out tomorrow.
//blackberries were not to be eaten as the Devil has peed on them//
We say here in the Midlands "the devil has spat on them!"
Well we didn't care about a bit of spit, we just got back from our holiday and picked some from our garden - very nice they were with some stewed apple.
Also amazed to find 3lb runner beans and a whole basinful of cherry tomatoes left to pick - we thought the nights had been so cold it would have finished them all off but we found a real harvest!

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Picked Half A Pound Of Blackberries Today !

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