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jennyjoan | 00:55 Tue 20th Oct 2015 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Funny question I know - but do the majority of them "hurt" you.


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Back to the OP - no, very far from the majority.

I can only think of a couple who have deliberately set out to hurt me - and neither are in my life any more.
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there seem to be two threads running here and I am getting a little mixed up with steel industry and steely human beings.
I prefer animals jenny, especially dogs !
Physically, only one or two.

Emotionally, shrugged them off.

I see no need to have emotional vampires in my life so I just avoid the ones who drain me.

I think it is best to take control of ones own life rather than subject yourself to behaviours that offend/upset you.
The thread did take a sidestep JennyJoan but I think most of us agree the majority haven't hurt us - the minority have in some cases.

They are the ones to get out of your life.
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me too viv - they give so much unconditional love.

Must say altho it is 30 years now there was nobody who gave me the most unconditional love was my mother. Even now most human beings would not give you that wonderful unconditional love.
I agree jenny x
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well like I say it is so hard to say on black and white - but the person I am talking about I gave her so much for 10 years and she is a good person but hardly never see her now - when (she was a little alchocoly for the 10 years) I was there for her pretty much night and day - even when I was at work she would have phoned me many many many times a day at work I am surprised i didn't lose my job. But in a somewhat fashion I need her - ie somebody to pick me up from hospitals, dentists etc. We have grown apart indeed and I am very sad at that.
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Sorry at the beginning of this post I used "majority" when truly I meant "one"
You were very lucky Jenny with your mum , some are not so lucky and take the emotional hurt along with them all their lives.
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I was lucky Retro - When I was young may 10-11 I used to see her weeping sometimes out loud and others silently - I had 5 older siblings but they were hopeless regarding money etc - - but she was always crying about never having any money. And I swore when I grew up and fortunately got a good job I would have given her the earth. And I did (maybe not earth) but money LOL

she used to say to me you know Jenny I had nothing until you grew up.
Thats lovely jenny -all I got from my mother was bruises and 'why can't you do better'?
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I am sorry to hear that Retro - I have been lucky I guess - she truly was wonderful woman. ie entertaining, beautiful singer and extremely witty and lovely looking but again one stern look from her and you would *** yourself and never do it again. LOL
So glad you had the love of a good Mum JJ.

Have you tried to contact this friend and rekindle your friendship or is it definitely over?
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oh no it is not over by no means - but when you were used to seeing her 4-5 times a week (both retired) now it is once a fortnight if I am lucky. No really Mamy I think I just miss her.
That's sad, you obviously care a lot for her.
No, very few have hurt me over the years. Those who did are no longer in my life.

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