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How Long?

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xstitcher | 11:11 Fri 30th Oct 2015 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
How long do you think it would take to charge a pedometer in a USB port?


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You must have a really fancy pedometer X. I have two and I just hitch them on to my waist band. Are you talking about the ones you strap on to your leg or arm?
Question Author
It's to wear on my arm...fancy but cheap (eBay). I had one for my waist band but it fell off and smashed to death.
Didn't it come with instructions and times? Mind you, the ones I have came with no instructions either.
I wouldn't have thought that it needed any more than 30 minutes max.
Question Author
It has instruction but not for that. I'll give it 30 min then. Thanks Janbee
happy jogging ... xx
Question Author
Well, not quite jogging yet but who knows!
ok, happy strolling then. xx
I expect to see you in the London Marathon next year.

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