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Should Someone Like Laurence Llewlyn-Bowen Be Tasked To Give Courthouse Cells A Makeover?

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sandyRoe | 08:58 Fri 06th Nov 2015 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
According to a report on the radio this morning they're dirty and covered in graffiti. That must be very disheartening for their temporary occupants.


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OK, so give a couple of blokes pots of white paint - or sunshine yellow - or pink. That would be pretty.
09:50 Fri 06th Nov 2015
remember reading somewhere that LLB decorates a room and when owners saw it they insisted it be changed back immediately. said they thought they would get something tasteful not horrific.
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1ozzy, will those pop-up cells be given the once-over to ensure the prisoners haven't included a secret pop-out facility?
Probably not Sandy, but they are "low security" prisoners. They most likely go out on day release anyway.
I rather think the question should be 'should LLB be allowed to give anywhere a makeover?'
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There was a TV advert, can't remember what for, where a character based on him did a makeover on a room in a stately home which left its owners less than pleased.
What ever some think of him he's probably laughing all the way to the bank.
Lady J ( 05:03 ).....Its sometime ago now but that happened on a few occasions on "Changing Rooms"

Personally, I would call the Police if I saw him approaching my house !
same here mikey. possibly his only talent is for pi***ng people off.
Lady J...if I had more time this morning, I expect I could unearth some of those truly awful "Changing Rooms" episodes, especially the one where he turned a normal living room in to a French tarts boudoir, with yards of red chiffon.

Perhaps somebody could do some research for me ?

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