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John Lewis Advert For 2015

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Barsel | 11:51 Fri 06th Nov 2015 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
What do you think. as good as previous ads? x


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No, not as good. It's nice and all but not a tear jerker.

Now the new Duracell one....epic!
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Have you got a link to that Boo? x
Like both of those but John Lewis is my favourite.
Both are good but I prefer the old favourite trotted out every year by Coca-cola with Santa claus..... holidays are comin' holidays are comin''...
Were their previous ads memorable then? Not to me & no, I can't be bothered to Google them.

Having now seen both of these once, I'll continue to use the mute button for ads - they're ok I suppose but those kids are annoying so the JL one "wins", though it's too long.

Bah, humbug.
Hi Barsel, disappointed .. always look forward to seeing them. Liked the 'toon' though ;0)
Noel Gallagher will get some royalties from this. (or does he have to hand them over to Baccarah/David)
Ooh! I always associate it with the Royle family which I loved regardless of who's original it was ... just enjoyed listening to it x
smaltzy over sentimental claptrap, FF button will be used

the duracell one is brilliant though

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janbee I am determined to go and see the Coca-cola truck this year.It's coming to the Trafford Centre on Dec 5th and yes I love that advert too. x
Being shown for the first time during Gogglebox tonight, apparently.
This leaves me cold. Not a patch on their Penguin ad and the rude skit of the penguin ad on the web was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
I like it. Yes,schmaltzy...but that's expected at Christmas. Nothing but the visuals and music. Better than buy,buy,buy.
Hadn't seen this advert on TV, but read this a couple of days ago. Will certainly keep an eye open for the ad and also the Duracell one.

A man who lives on the moon is the central character of this year's Christmas advert from John Lewis, which aims to raise awareness of the issue of loneliness among older people.

The two-minute advert features the story of a young girl named Lily as she strikes up a connection with the man, who she spies through her telescope living alone on the moon.

She sets out to wish him a merry Christmas, finally succeeding by sending up the present of a telescope of his own tied to a bunch of balloons.

The advert, in partnership with charity Age UK, ends with the strapline "Show someone they're loved this Christmas."

She sets out to wish him a merry Christmas, finally succeeding by sending up the present of a telescope of his own tied to a bunch of balloons.

The advert, in partnership with charity Age UK, ends with the strapline "Show someone they're loved this Christmas."
I like the John Lewis ad, Ads based on kiddy films don't float my boat though.
I like the John Lewis ad and yes, I got a bit teary !
Not really, the snowman was the best.

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