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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:51 Tue 10th Nov 2015 | ChatterBank
95 Answers
Tuesday. Still blowing an 'ooligan, but it's only a baby one now. We had some rain during the night, but not a deluge. All calm and quiet now.

Two meetings today. Oh great joy! :-\

Have a happy day everyone.


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grey skies but dry and windy at the moment out there.
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I'd guard him DT. :o} He's our mascot!
tiggy's home will resemble fort know on full alert. no worry there.
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Quite LJ. He's steeled down for the winter now. I put his supper by the door of Tiggy Towers. Sometimes it's gone in the morning and sometimes it's not. This weather is confusing for the wee lad. He doesn't need to go out.
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Steeled? Settled. duh!
bye all. time for me to go. the kitchen awaits. take care all. don't overdo it boaty. xx
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I won't LJ. I promise. Have a happy day xxxxx :o}
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Truth is I couldn't if I wanted to today. Sitting down at meetings is about it.
Have a good day Lady J

Boaty, just remember the old mantra, 'A meeting is an event at which the minutes are kept and the hours are lost.'
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Ain't that the truth DT. But it suits me today. I won't be tempted to do things I should leave for another day.
So the manacles are on......
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Yup. At least the meetings will be interesting.
well have a good one as I need to be on the move.....and a good one to all out in ABland.
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You have a good'un too DT. :o}
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I'm going to make a move.

Have a happy day everyone. :o}

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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