Mine came today - exact to the penny ... but my affairs are simple PAYE. I get paid with all my tax calculated and deducted at source, in the month that it is due.
I suspect that anyone who is availing themselves of Self Employed status, with its myriad allowances and reasons for delaying payments, will be in a more confused (albeit much more beneficial) position and hence the annual statement will be unhelpful.
Had mine this morning and as far as I can tell, its 100% correct.
But I noticed that it was only £12 towards the EU budget...this can't be right surely, as all the right-wingers on here keep telling me that its much more than that and yet its less than 6% of my total tax contributions !
Our affairs are simple, we have Teachers Pension, State Pension and a bit of exam marking money but they're wildly inaccurate. I've emailed them but I'm not holding my breath. I may also email TPA and tell them they're apparently underpaying me, according to the Tax Office!