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Heel Pain

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sunnyp | 20:31 Tue 08th Dec 2015 | Health & Fitness
5 Answers
I have been having some discomfort in my left heel for about 3wks now it only happens when I flex my toes towards me and my heel away from me it a very sore kind of burning feeling,anyone have any ideas to what it may be thanks.


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What part of the heel?
Plantar fasciitis:
(See the 'Treatment' link, at the top of the page).
Crocs fixed mine :)
They have to be the original clog style and not cheap copies
Plantar Fasciatis is very painful - I got it after wearing Boat Shoes which are really flat - after inserting Scholl inserts into my various shoes really relieved the condition. The only real help is rest.
Same here woof, Croc completely cured my feet and ankle problems.

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