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chalky2850 | 02:44 Thu 17th Dec 2015 | Crosswords
15 Answers
2d Bird's fat under rising batter (7)M???N?D
15d Made bitter perfect, judged imbibing beer's head (9) A?E??????


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15d Ace r b ated
2d Mal lard
2 mal lard
2d Mal lard
Sod off ozzy, give the poms chance
Come over here and say that!
Mate!!!! I'm last every time, what more do you want....;-/
Go get 'im Iminoz ;-)
Send me the fare then.
They're pretty fussy in Oz. as to who they let in Jackdaw. :-)
You wouldn't last two minutes old mate....
.....Something about biting and chewing comes to mind.
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Thank you.
Jack probably has a criminal record, he'd be allowed ;-)
Chap applies to emigrate to Oz.
Q. Have you got a police record?
A. Yes, 'Message in a bottle'.
Don't stand so close to me.

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