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Why So Judgemental ?

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Canary42 | 22:56 Mon 11th Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Why do people introduce irrelevant judgemental posts on Ab.

First today we have people decrying RIPs for Bowie, then on another thread someone suggests it's weird to seek 60's artists still influential.

We don't need these diversions surely ?

If you don't like a thread, just stay away.



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That's a bit judgemental canary.
22:57 Mon 11th Jan 2016
That's a bit judgemental canary.
Yeh, you fell into that one Mr C :)
You judging Canary here, Zacs?......... ;-)

God knows, Canary....god knows....xx
I had hypocritical typed out.
Here come de judge, here come de judge.....
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Duh !
There is only one Judge ...
Sometimes I feel ashamed to breath the same air and share the same planet. Just sometimes.
people do get carried away with the righteousness of their own tastes

and conclude that they must smite the unbelievers.
I've not been 'decrying RIPs for Bowie' but I have felt obliged to mention that I simply couldn't see what all the fuss was about. I've never enjoyed his music! (I've actually turned off Radio 2 tonight because there was a 2002 Bowie concert on. I tried to listen to it but gave up after half an hour, as I found it totally dire!)

Radio 2 also had a recent season dedicated to Frank Sinatra, whom I never saw as better than any average pub singer. (Give me Crosby any day!).

We're all different, I suppose!
>>> Sometimes I feel ashamed to breath the same air and share the same planet

I regard quite a few ABers as permanently 'on another planet' anyway ;-) son texted me an alert about the Radio 2 session with Bowie, but it was introduced by John Peel! Just couldn't face a double ;)

x x
At 6ft 3in the air is already quite rarefied, god knows what it's like up where Chris is :)
-- answer removed --
as you've just pointed out on another thread, PiedPiper.
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So, you don't like Bowie's music - fair enough - but do you have to say so on his Memorial Thread ? Very mean-spirited IMHO, and totally out of place, like a dog turd on a wedding cake ;-)

/// If you don't like a thread, just stay away. ///

Practice what you preach.

/// So, you don't like Bowie's music - fair enough - but do you have to say so on his Memorial Thread ? ///

This was his Memorial Thread:

The thread that you referred to was appertaining to the Media Frenzy regarding his passing.
aog at 9:49 - Exactly !!!

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