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Amazingly Dangerous Driving !

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mikey4444 | 18:57 Sat 16th Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
72 Answers

There is little news on what happened afterwards but as the number plate was plain to see, I hope they threw the book at the lorry driver !


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what a shame about all the "post removed"s.
Might as well delete the whole thing as it now makes no sense :(
There is a pub (Yarborough Arms) just down the road.

oh funny that I had a Yarborough hand at Bridge once
( no card over ten spot )

and please be careful crossing the road inthis snow on egressing the pub
I think it was a poster who was deleted, bathsheba

the thread of this posting is that there is no thread ....
hmm deep - delphic even I'll have to think about that after Jacob Monod and er Lwoff - what did Lwoff do Zax ?
I only know Lvov as a place
// I think it was a poster who was deleted, //

hmm a unifying hypothesis - we dont get many of them
actually we dont get many hypotheses but what the hell its sunday
Lwoff was also awarded the NP along with jacob and monods.
Was Lvov and not Lviv - in the Ukraine, famous for Zeglen, the inventor of the bullet proof vest - which this deletee was obviously not wearing!
now Lviv....bloody typo there
willing to bet the van driver owns a BMW and had been driving the van accordingly, thus really *** off the trucker......
yeah Lviv as in Lviv Ullman
where it is very snowy today ( eastern europe )
and the roads are very slippy I have on good authority
so people have to be v careful
and so you see this off thread bit is really on-thread

thanks Zax - I recollect Jacob saying "moi moi moi"
and not "nous nous nous"
He always was a selfish beggar :-)
I think the removed posts were Knobby.

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