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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 06:31 Mon 18th Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
120 Answers
Monday. It's warmed up a bit. It's raining! Last night went well. Snowflake was her usual crazy self! :o} She did a good job acting as a scraps disposal unit. Lovely to see her, and mum and dad of course. :o}

Some running around to do today.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Have a happy day LJ xxxxx
bye oz xx bye lady xx
exactly....time to be moving and take on this dampness..,have a good one all - and a dry one.
Question Author
Have a good'un DT. :o}
Why does this happen to me?

4 people living here, I've just been told there is 8 eating here tonight.

Grrrr, kids ;-)
bye DT xx
lol oz xx
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Have fun oz. ;o}
I always have fun.

Guess the reason for kids eating here is the big sign on our foreheads.

"Do drop in" "All welcome".

Now where is that eraser of mine ;-)
you need a b u 88 er off sign oz !
Wouldn't work Minty.
The kids would laugh and say.

"Good one Oz, ha ha".

Then plonk themselves at the table.

I actually like the ones that turn up for a feed ;-)
encourage them to prepare the meals !
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I'm sure they wouldn't be there if you didn't oz! ;o}
They do help and if I were to say "it's up to you mob" they would feed me.
With the food I had bought.
Problem there is, according to me, "they can't cook"!!!!!!!!
;-), I'll do the cooking, they can clean up afterwards.
fair dinkum !
Question Author
Right! I must go and get things done.

Have a happy day everyone.
bye boaty xx
Fair dinkum Minty, ridgy didge too.

Bye all, 2 dozen snags cooked.

Have a bonzer day ;-)
:0) x wi' broon I hope !
Broon is on the table Minty.
It's anyone's choice

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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