ChatterBank6 mins ago
Europe Seems To Be Waking Up
Looks like the Dutch and the French are worried, and Germany want to tax British motorists.
http:// www.exp .uk/new s/polit ics/636 739/Dav os-2016 -French -prime- ministe r-Manue l-Valls -EU-bre ak-up-B rexit-t ragedy
http:// www.exp .uk/new s/polit ics/635 313/Mig rant-cr isis-Ge rman-fi nance-m inister -petrol -tax-Br itain-p ay-Syri an-refu gees?ut m_sourc e=traff ic.outb rain&am p;utm_m edium=t raffic. outbrai n&u tm_term =traffi c.outbr ain& ;utm_co ntent=t raffic. outbrai n&u tm_camp aign=tr affic.o utbrain
"some claim left wing politics are associated with not knowing the value of controlled national boundaries " because the vast majority of the left seem unaware of the damage to the country their open door policies have and do... loss of national identity, loss of culture etc etc... the left hide away in a little bubble and wear rose tinted specs and think its ok...
10:28 Fri 22nd Jan 2016
These are for the 'hard of understanding'(aka Lefties) who have no sense of the real world that is happening around them:
http:// news/wo rld-eur ope-353 75303
I do not understand why, continuously, some claim left wing politics are associated with not knowing the value of controlled national boundaries whilst right wing politics does. It's nonsense, it has now left/right component. It is about being in control of your own country or wanting everyone to be just one big group.
As for the EU block, of course they want to distribute responsibility and consequences of the dumb actions done as wide as possible. The question is whether we will be stupid enough to go along with it. I don't see their allowing of an invasion has anything to do with the economic community we voted to stay in. Those involved should pay for their own dodgy decisions regarding unrelated extraneous issues.
As for the EU block, of course they want to distribute responsibility and consequences of the dumb actions done as wide as possible. The question is whether we will be stupid enough to go along with it. I don't see their allowing of an invasion has anything to do with the economic community we voted to stay in. Those involved should pay for their own dodgy decisions regarding unrelated extraneous issues.
"some claim left wing politics are associated with not knowing the value of controlled national boundaries "
because the vast majority of the left seem unaware of the damage to the country their open door policies have and do...
loss of national identity, loss of culture etc etc...
the left hide away in a little bubble and wear rose tinted specs and think its ok to hand over our country to for the most part people who will turn the place into exactly what they have left behind, because collectively they havent got the nous to do anything about it, but come here where its handed to them on a plate and we have to bow down and bend over to accommodate them and their requirements...
and if you want to protect your country and its ways, identity etc they will then try and stigmatise you with all the insults they know, like racist, xenophobic, knuckledragger etc....
because the vast majority of the left seem unaware of the damage to the country their open door policies have and do...
loss of national identity, loss of culture etc etc...
the left hide away in a little bubble and wear rose tinted specs and think its ok to hand over our country to for the most part people who will turn the place into exactly what they have left behind, because collectively they havent got the nous to do anything about it, but come here where its handed to them on a plate and we have to bow down and bend over to accommodate them and their requirements...
and if you want to protect your country and its ways, identity etc they will then try and stigmatise you with all the insults they know, like racist, xenophobic, knuckledragger etc....
//“Seeing Britain leave the European Union would be a tragedy//
Well he would say that, the thought of all that brass we pay in for *** all back would hit them all, and I doubt the twist and shouts would want to pick up the difference meaning the French would have to stump up for the EU gravy train.
Well he would say that, the thought of all that brass we pay in for *** all back would hit them all, and I doubt the twist and shouts would want to pick up the difference meaning the French would have to stump up for the EU gravy train.
“Mr Valls said the concept of Europe itself was now in very grave danger.”
He probably means the EU rather than Europe. A common mistake among people with delusions ofg grandeur aurrounding the importance of the EU. Europe is a continent which existed long before people settled in it and will continue to exist long after it has degenerated into a third world cesspit.
It is strange that only after such crises get completely out of control does anyone with the powers to do anything finally realise how negligent they have been. I once worked for an employer where, in my early days there, an “old lag” told me this:
1. If you tell anybody in authority about a problem, first of all they won’t believe you.
2. When they do come round to believing you they won’t do anything.
3. When they finally get round to seeing that something must be done, it will be too late.”
This is precisely what has happened over the matter of migration over many years. This particular crisis has hit the fan much quicker. The Euromaniacs and heads of government were warned that continuing to allow unfettered access to Europe for millions of people was simply unsustainable. It is obvious to anybody with half a brain that all those from Syria, together with many from Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and many of the delightful African hot spots who wish to come here cannot be accommodated in Europe. But that is precisely what seemed to be proposed in the summer. It was utter madness with consequences that were well forecast. It seems we’ve reached step 3 in my Old Lag’s philosophy.
He probably means the EU rather than Europe. A common mistake among people with delusions ofg grandeur aurrounding the importance of the EU. Europe is a continent which existed long before people settled in it and will continue to exist long after it has degenerated into a third world cesspit.
It is strange that only after such crises get completely out of control does anyone with the powers to do anything finally realise how negligent they have been. I once worked for an employer where, in my early days there, an “old lag” told me this:
1. If you tell anybody in authority about a problem, first of all they won’t believe you.
2. When they do come round to believing you they won’t do anything.
3. When they finally get round to seeing that something must be done, it will be too late.”
This is precisely what has happened over the matter of migration over many years. This particular crisis has hit the fan much quicker. The Euromaniacs and heads of government were warned that continuing to allow unfettered access to Europe for millions of people was simply unsustainable. It is obvious to anybody with half a brain that all those from Syria, together with many from Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and many of the delightful African hot spots who wish to come here cannot be accommodated in Europe. But that is precisely what seemed to be proposed in the summer. It was utter madness with consequences that were well forecast. It seems we’ve reached step 3 in my Old Lag’s philosophy.
Step 4: The company collapses with horrendous debts. All the employees are thrown out of a job. They take to the streets thieving and begging to put food on the table. They continue to knock out children (because there's not much else for them to do) so they have to thieve and beg even more to survive. Oh,and the former governors retire to the Cayman Islands having sold all their shares just before the solids hit the air conditioning.
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